Mother Miller's How to Write Good Book
Revised 4th Edition
(Extract "Punctuation", Writer's Chapbook Series #35, Pulphouse Publishing, 1991)
(First Edition, US Trade Paperback, Wordmill Books, 1994)
(Second Edition, US Trade Paperback, FoxAcre Press, June 1999)
(Revised Third Edition, US Trade Paperback, FoxAcre Press, 2002)
(Revised Fourth Edition, US Trade Paperback, FoxAcre Press, 2011)
A concise and funny guide to writing prose and fiction, full of advice that the would-be writer of prose, and particularly fiction, would do well to heed. Sasha Miller writes with the sharp, witty, acerbic, and yet gentle style that has made her the bane and the delight of thousands of writing students.
Mother Miller's How To Write Good Book might not take itself too seriously, but it is full of advice that the would-be writer of prose, and particularly fiction, would do well to heed. Put this concise guide on a shelf close to your desk, in between The Elements of Style and your favorite dictionary. You'll reach for it that often. Written with wit and humor, MMHTWGB (this book is best known by its initials) covers everything from plotting to character development to grammar to manuscript style. This revised edition includes a full index, new essays, and an introduction by Andre Norton.
All editions of Mother Miller's How to Write Good Book are currently out of print.